淺談私營企業(yè)員工激勵機制,摘 要隨著中國加入世界貿易組織和全球經濟一體化進程的加快,私營企業(yè)發(fā)展迅速,在國民經濟中的地位日益突出,人力資源管理在私營企業(yè)管理中的地位和作用日益增強,而采用員工激勵機制提高企業(yè)核心競爭力已成為當今我國私營企業(yè)的必要選擇。通過研究分析私營企業(yè)員工激勵及激勵機制,說明了私營企業(yè)的激勵機制必須隨著...

原文檔由會員 bshhty 發(fā)布
摘 要
With China’s entry into WTO and the rapid process of globalization, it is necessary to adopt the incentive mechanism for employees in order to increase the core competence of enterprises. Through analyzing current private business company’s incentive and incentive mechanism evolutionary process, it is explained that private company incentive and incentive mechanism should be adapted to the environmental changes, thus this paper analyses the existing problem of private company incentive mechanism which is based on the theorem of incentive, moreover points out where the cause is and clear out the adjust tactics.
According to the private enterprise employee’s inspiration status in quo, this paper first analyze the incentive background and present condition, and through these two side analyze, we can have the thorough understand of private enterprise inspire mechanism, and find out what we should investigate on the satisfaction degree of the employee in order to work out the defect of private enterprise incentive mechanism. Based on these analysis, from the viewpoint of the theory of incentive, we designed the survey of employee’s satisfaction, at the same time we do some research to find out where the problems exist, meanwhile try to formulate the adjust tactics, so that the company can attract more excellent employees, take advantage of the virtue and avoid the shortcoming of the company, unceasingly to consummate the incentive mechanism, then formulate the an efficient inspire system ,increase the company competition ability.
Though the analysis of the private enterprise employee’s incentive mechanism we can find that under the environment of rapid economic develop, the private enterprise can only grasp the opportunities to formulate the efficient employee’s inspiration mechanism, then they can absorb the talent to service the themselves, and let the company stand out from the fierce competitive market.
Key words: Private Enterprise, Inspiration Mechanism, Enterprise Employee’s, Inspire Tactics
目 錄
Abstract ...................................................................................... ..............................................II
1 緒論 1
1.1 課題背景及意義 1
1.2 國內外研究狀況 1
1.2.1國外研究狀況 2
1.2.2國內研究狀況 5
1.3 課題研究方法 5
1.4 論文構成及研究內容 6
1.5 本論文的創(chuàng)新之處 6
2 相關概念與理論 7
2.1 激勵及其組成因素 7
2.2 激勵模型 7
2.3 相關的激勵理論 8
2.4 激勵對企業(yè)員工的作用 9
2.4.1增加企業(yè)的人才 9
2.4.2提升員工打拼的積極性 9
2.4.3使企業(yè)變的強大 9
3 對我國私營企業(yè)員工激勵機制現狀及存在問題分析 11
3.1私營企業(yè)員工激勵機制現狀 11
3.2 私營企業(yè)員工激勵存在的問題 12
3.2.1 員工的整體素質偏低 12
3.2.2 員工的薪酬激勵不足 13
3.2.3 員工的工作環(huán)境差 13
3.2.4 員工地位低 13
3.2.5 對員工的培訓重視不夠 13
3.2.6 缺乏軟激勵機制 14
3.3 存在問題的分析 14
3.3.1 影響問題存在的宏觀因素 14
3.3.2 關鍵問題分析 15
4 解決私營企業(yè)員工激勵問題的對策 17
4.1 建立先進科學的績效評估體系 17
4.1.1績效考核應把握的原則 18
4.1.2進行績效考核的方法 18
4.2 物質激勵與精神激勵相結合 20
4.2.1物質激勵要有效 20
4.2.2精神激勵要加強 21
4.3 堅持人本原則 23
4.4 建立公開透明公正的人才聘用機制 23
4.5 重視員工的培訓 24
4.6 善于做好溝通 25
4.6.1溝通勝于權利 25
4.6.2尊重為前提 25
4.6.3傾聽是關鍵 26
4.6.4沖突是另一種溝通 26
4.7 適當授權 26
4.7.1 授權是管理者的明智選擇 27
4.7.2 授權的原則 27
4.8日常管理中幾點具體的對策 28
結論 32
參考文獻 33
致謝 34