


中國人類發(fā)展指數(shù)狀況分析,?D1úè?àà·¢?1??êy×′??·????aòa £o óé?¤?úêù?ü??êy?¢?ìóy??êyoí gdp ??êy113éμ?è?àà·¢?1??êy£¨ hdi £?ê?oaá?ò???1ú?òè?àà·¢?13é?íμ???òa??±ê?£?ú1yè¥μ??tê??à?ê£??D1úμ? hdi...
分類: 論文>社會學(xué)論文


此文檔由會員 wanli1988go 發(fā)布

?aòa £o óé?¤?úêù?ü??êy?¢?ìóy??êyoí GDP ??êy113éμ?è?àà·¢?1??êy£¨ HDI £?ê?oaá?ò???1ú
?òè?àà·¢?13é?íμ???òa??±ê?£?ú1yè¥μ??tê??à?ê£??D1úμ? HDI è?μ?á??ì?ù μ? ??3¤£?μ?í?ê±
1ú ×·?ó è?àà è??? ·¢?1 μ? μà?·òàè?è???μà???£
1??ü′ê£o è?àà·¢?1??êy£¨ HDI £? £?·¢?1?÷ê?£??êìa£??D1ú
The The The The Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis of of of of China China China China ?ˉ ?ˉ ?ˉ ?ˉ s s s s Human Human Human Human Development Development Development Development I I I I ndex ndex ndex ndex
Abstract: Abstract: Abstract: Abstract: The human development index(HDI) £? composed of life expectancy £? education and
income ind ices £? measures the average progress of a country in human development . In the past
two decades £? China ?ˉ s human development index has a rapid growth £? but at the same time, the
gap with world high human development is also great, and there is a wide range of HDI in
national between high and low areas, and disparity between urban and rural is always in
existence, increasing gradually . China ?ˉ s human development still has a long way to go .
Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Keywords: Human development index(HDI) £? Development t rend £? Problem £? China
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