
采礦工程畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)-許廠煤礦12 mta新井設(shè)計(jì).docx


采礦工程畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)-許廠煤礦12 mta新井設(shè)計(jì),采礦工程畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)-許廠煤礦12 mta新井設(shè)計(jì)摘 要本設(shè)計(jì)包括三部分:一般部分、專題部分和翻譯部分。一般部分為淄博礦務(wù)局許廠煤礦1.2 mt/a新井設(shè)計(jì),共分十章:礦井概述及井田地質(zhì)特征,井田境界和儲(chǔ)量,礦井工作制度、設(shè)計(jì)生產(chǎn)能力及服務(wù)年限,井田開拓,準(zhǔn)備方式—帶區(qū)巷道布置,采煤方法,井下運(yùn)輸,礦井提升,礦井通風(fēng)及礦井...
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采礦工程畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)-許廠煤礦12 Mta新井設(shè)計(jì)

摘  要
一般部分為淄博礦務(wù)局許廠煤礦1.2 Mt/a新井設(shè)計(jì),共分十章:礦井概述及井田地質(zhì)特征,井田境界和儲(chǔ)量,礦井工作制度、設(shè)計(jì)生產(chǎn)能力及服務(wù)年限,井田開拓,準(zhǔn)備方式—帶區(qū)巷道布置,采煤方法,井下運(yùn)輸,礦井提升,礦井通風(fēng)及礦井基本技術(shù)經(jīng)濟(jì)指標(biāo)。
許廠礦區(qū)距濟(jì)寧市8 km,礦區(qū)對外交通便利。區(qū)內(nèi)地勢較為平坦,井田走向長度5.8 km,傾斜方向長3.6 km。面積為20.88 km2。井田主采煤層為3下煤層,厚度平均為3 m。煤層傾角平均為4°,屬于近水平煤層。
井田工業(yè)儲(chǔ)量為9060萬t,礦井可采儲(chǔ)量7773.35萬t。礦井服務(wù)年限為49.8 a,礦井正常涌水量為200 m3/h,最大涌水量為360 m3/h。礦井為低瓦斯礦井。
許廠煤礦礦井工作制度為“三八”制,一個(gè)綜采工作面保產(chǎn)。開拓方式為立井兩水平直接延伸,水平標(biāo)高分別為-260 m,-495 m,準(zhǔn)備方式為帶區(qū)巷道布置。礦井主井采用箕斗提煤,副井采用罐籠作為輔助提升。工作面采用長壁采煤法,面長180 m,采煤工藝為綜采。礦井主運(yùn)輸為膠帶運(yùn)輸,輔助運(yùn)輸采用架線電機(jī)車牽引1 t固定式礦車運(yùn)輸。礦井通風(fēng)初期采用中央并列式,后期采用中央分列式。
翻譯部分對綜放沿空掘巷卸壓技術(shù)進(jìn)行了介紹,其英文題目為Study on destressing technology for a roadway driven along goaf in a fully mechanized top-coal caving face。



This design contains three parts:the general part,the special part and the translated part.
The general part is a new design of Xu Chang mine belonging to Zi Bo mining bureau whose production capacity is 1.2 Mt per year.It has ten chapters as follows:the outline of mine and mine field geology, boundary and reserves, working system and productive capacity and service life, development method of the mine, the main roadways, coal mining method and layout or roadways in working area,transportation of underground, mine lifting, mine ventilation and safety, main technique—economic induces.
The Xu Chang mine filed lies in the north of Ji Ning about 8 kilometers.The transportation is convenient and.It covers 20.88 square kilometers. The boundary of the minefield run 5.8 kilometers on the strike and the pitch length is 3.6 kilometers.The three is the main coal seam,its dip angle is 4 degree and thickness is about 3m on average.
The proved reserves of the minefield are 90.6 million tons,and the recoverable reserves are 77.7335 million tons. The designed productive capacity is 1.2 million tons percent year, and the service life of the mine is 49.8 years. The normal flow of the mine is 200m3 percent hour and the max flow of the mine is 360m3 percent hour. The mineral well gas gushes is lower, It is a low gas mineral well.
 The working system is “three-eight”.One productive place meets the requirement. The mode of development about the mine is vertical development. The mine has two levels, the first level locates in the level of –260 meters, the second in the level of –495 meters.The main shaft uses skip hoisting and the auxiliary shaft adopts cage hoisting. The working face adopts long wall retreating to the strike.Its length is 180 meters.The technology of the working face is the full-mechanized mining.Belt Conveyor to transit coal is used chiefly to transport coal, the auxiliary transportation uses 1t solid car. Retrograde ventilation is used for Xu Chang coal mine in prophase and at anaphase defile ventilation is used at anaphase.
The title of the special subject part is “The technology research and effect analysis of the strip mining on under-buildings”.The paper overviews the technology research of the strip mining and analyzes the optimal method of the mining parameters,the influence-ng factors of surface movement parameters.Then the new formula of calculating surface movement parameters of strip mining is put forward .At last the effect of the spot surve-ring is analyzed.
The english topic of transportation part is Study on destressing technology for a roadway driven along goaf in a fully mechanized top-coal caving face.
Keywords:vertical shaft;strip district;comprehensive mechanization;overh-ead line elect-ric locomotive transport; centralized juxtapose ventilation.

目    錄
1 礦區(qū)概述及井田地質(zhì)特征 1
1.1礦區(qū)概述 1
1.1.1位置與交通 1
1.1.2地形與河流 1
1.1.3氣象及地震 1
1.1.4礦區(qū)經(jīng)濟(jì)概況 3
1.1.5水源及電源 3
1.2井田地質(zhì)特征 3
1.2.1地層 3
1.2.2含煤地層 3
1.2.3構(gòu)造 4
1.2.4水文地質(zhì) 8
1.2.5地質(zhì)勘探程度 8
1.3煤層特征 9
1.3.1可采煤層 9
1.3.2煤的物理性質(zhì) 9
1.3.3煤的風(fēng)化和氧化 9
1.3.4煤的用途 10
1.3.5瓦斯含量 10
1.3.6煤塵及煤的自燃 10
2 井田境界和儲(chǔ)量 11
2.1井田境界 11
2.1.1井田境界確定 11
2.1.2井田賦存特征 11
2.2礦井工業(yè)儲(chǔ)量 12
2.2.1儲(chǔ)量計(jì)算范圍 12
2.2.2工業(yè)儲(chǔ)量計(jì)算 12
2.3礦井可采儲(chǔ)量 13
2.3.1安全煤柱留設(shè)原則 13
2.3.2礦井保護(hù)煤柱損失量 13
2.3.3礦井可采儲(chǔ)量計(jì)算 14
3 礦井工作制度、設(shè)計(jì)生產(chǎn)能力及服務(wù)年限 16
3.1礦井工作制度 16
3.2礦井設(shè)計(jì)生產(chǎn)能力及服務(wù)年限 16
3.2.1礦井設(shè)計(jì)生產(chǎn)能力 16
3.2.2礦井服務(wù)年限 17
3.2.3井型校核 17
4 井田開拓 18
4.1井田開拓的基本問題 18
4.1.1工業(yè)廣場的選擇 18
4.1.2井筒形式,數(shù)目,位置及坐標(biāo)確定 19
4.1.3開采水平的確定及帶盤區(qū)劃分 19
4.1.4主要開拓巷道 19
4.1.5確定開拓方案 20
4.2礦井基本巷道 26
4.2.1井筒 26
4.2.2井底車場 29
4.2.3礦井基本巷道 32
5 準(zhǔn)備方式—帶區(qū)巷道布置 34
5.1煤層地質(zhì)特征 34
5.1.1帶區(qū)位置 34
5.1.2帶區(qū)煤層特征 34
5.1.3煤層頂?shù)装鍘r石構(gòu)造情況 34
5.1.4水文地質(zhì) 34
5.1.5地質(zhì)構(gòu)造 34
5.1.6地表情況 35
5.2帶區(qū)巷道布置及生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng) 35
5.2.1帶區(qū)準(zhǔn)備方式的確定 35
5.2.2帶區(qū)巷道布置 35
5.2.3帶區(qū)生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng) 36
5.2.4帶區(qū)內(nèi)巷道掘進(jìn)方法 36
5.2.5帶區(qū)生產(chǎn)能力及采出率 37
5.2.6帶區(qū)車場選型設(shè)計(jì) 38
6 采煤方法 39
6.1采煤工藝方式 39
6.1.1帶區(qū)煤層特征及地質(zhì)條件 39
6.1.2確定采煤工藝方式 39
6.1.3回采工作面參數(shù) 40
6.1.4綜采工作面的設(shè)備選型及配套 40
6.1.5采煤機(jī)工作方式 45
6.1.6各工藝過程注意事項(xiàng) 46
6.1.7工作面端頭支護(hù)和超前支護(hù) 47
6.1.8循環(huán)圖表、勞動(dòng)組織、主要技術(shù)經(jīng)濟(jì)指標(biāo) 48
6.1.9綜合機(jī)械化采煤過程中應(yīng)注意事項(xiàng) 52
6.2回采巷道布置 53
6.2.1回采巷道布置方式 53
6.2.2回采巷道參數(shù) 53
7 井下運(yùn)輸 55
7.1概述 55
7.1.1運(yùn)輸設(shè)計(jì)的原始條件與數(shù)據(jù) 55
7.1.2煤層及煤質(zhì) 55
7.1.3運(yùn)輸距離和貨載量 55
7.1.4運(yùn)輸系統(tǒng) 55
7.2 帶區(qū)運(yùn)輸設(shè)備選擇 56
7.2.1設(shè)備選型原則: 56
7.2.2工作面及斜巷運(yùn)煤設(shè)備的選型 56
7.2.3帶區(qū)輔助設(shè)備的選型 56
7.3大巷運(yùn)輸設(shè)備的選型 59
7.3.1主運(yùn)輸大巷設(shè)備選擇 59
7.3.2輔助運(yùn)輸大巷設(shè)備選擇 59
8 礦井提升 61
8.1概述 61
8.1.1井下運(yùn)輸設(shè)計(jì)的原始條件和數(shù)據(jù) 61
8.1.2礦井運(yùn)輸系統(tǒng) 61
8.2主副井提升 62
8.2.1主井提升 62
8.2.2副井提升 62
9 礦井通風(fēng)及安全 64
9.1礦井通風(fēng)系統(tǒng)選擇 64
9.1.1礦井概況 64
9.1.2礦井通風(fēng)系統(tǒng)的基本要求 64
9.1.3礦井通風(fēng)方式的確定 64
9.1.4主要通風(fēng)機(jī)工作方式選擇 65
9.1.5帶區(qū)通風(fēng)系統(tǒng)的要求 66
9.1.6帶區(qū)通風(fēng)方式的選擇 66
9.2礦井風(fēng)量計(jì)算 66
9.2.1采煤工作面風(fēng)量 66
9.2.2掘進(jìn)工作面風(fēng)量計(jì)算 67
9.2.3硐室需風(fēng)量計(jì)算 68
9.2.4礦井風(fēng)量計(jì)算 68
9.2.5風(fēng)量分配 69
9.3全礦通風(fēng)阻力的計(jì)算 70
9.3.1礦井通風(fēng)阻力 70
9.3.2自然風(fēng)壓的計(jì)算 72
9.3.3礦井總風(fēng)阻、等級(jí)孔計(jì)算 72
9.4主要風(fēng)機(jī)選型 76
9.4.1主要風(fēng)機(jī)選型 76
9.4.2計(jì)算電動(dòng)機(jī)功率 77
9.4.3對礦井主要通風(fēng)設(shè)備的要求 79
9.4.4對反風(fēng)、風(fēng)峒的要求 79
9.5礦井災(zāi)害的防治措施 79
9.5.1瓦斯管理措施 79
9.5.2煤塵的防治 80
9.5.3防火 80
9.5.4防水 80
10 設(shè)計(jì)礦井基本經(jīng)濟(jì)技術(shù)指標(biāo) 81
參考文獻(xiàn) 83
建筑物下條帶開采技術(shù)研究 85
1 緒論 85
1.1問題的提出 85
1.2主要研究內(nèi)容及研究思路 87
2 條帶開采技術(shù)及參數(shù)設(shè)計(jì)的優(yōu)化方法 87
2.1條帶開采概述 87
2.1.1條帶開采基本概念及類型 87
2.1.2條帶開采適用條件及遵循原則 88
2.2條帶開采巖層與地表移動(dòng)理論和規(guī)律 89
2.2.1煤柱的壓縮與壓入說 89
2.2.2巖梁假說 89
2.2.3托板理論 89
2.2.4波浪消失說 89
2.3條帶開采地表移動(dòng)和變形預(yù)計(jì)參數(shù) 90
2.4條帶開采煤柱的穩(wěn)定性 91
2.4.1有效區(qū)域理論 91
2.4.2壓力拱理論 92
2.4.3A.H.威爾遜理論 92
2.4.4核區(qū)強(qiáng)度不等理論 92
2.4.5大板裂隙理論 92
2.4.6極限平衡理論 92
2.5條帶開采優(yōu)化設(shè)計(jì) 93
3條帶開采地表移動(dòng)參數(shù)的影響因素與作用規(guī)律研究 95
3.1條帶開采地表移動(dòng)參數(shù)的影響因素 95
3.1.1下沉系數(shù)的影響因素 95
3.1.2水平移動(dòng)系數(shù)的影響因素 97
3.1.3主要影響角正切的影響因素 97
3.1.4拐點(diǎn)偏距的影響因素 98
3.2條帶開采地表移動(dòng)參數(shù)分析 98
4 條帶開采的效果分析[16] 100
5 結(jié)術(shù)語 101
參考文獻(xiàn) 102
英文原文 105
中文譯文 112
致  謝 117