
此文檔由會員 花季永駐 發(fā)布
全文57頁40000余字 例證充分,翔實
With the growing number of credit cards’ circulation , the growth of trade quantity , the expedition of market and the competition is becoming fiercer and fiercer, not only the marketing developing people of the bank but also the people who managing and making decision are eager to have a credit card management and analysis system. So that they can deal with the all kinds of business safely and effectively.
In this paper, we introduce you a system which simulate the credit card’s data analysis system. And the main function of it is to make use of the data of the customer which accumulate from business system . And analyze through the part of customer relationship, the control of risk, overdraft and so on, at the end send out the char, result and report. And more, introduce how to design and realize the module of “control of risk”. This module contains: the analysis of the total number of overdraft; the analysis of overdraft card holder’s character; the analysis of the relationship between the total number of overdraft and card holder’s age; the analysis of the rate of the frozen ,lost, stop payment; the credit evaluation of the card holder and the cautioner. Through these analysis, some facilities may be improved , the risk may become lower, improve the faithfulness of the customers and keep the long time business relationship with them.
This system is based on the database system, and combined with the design and exploitation by software to realize the analysis function and offer the card holder or businessman the friendly operation, inquiry, analysis form. And more give the user intuitionistic analysis result through data report and chart so that inquire or analysis more convenient.
Key words:
the control of risk, Credit Card, Shop, Customer,credit evaluation
前言 5
第1章 信用卡數(shù)據(jù)分析系統(tǒng)編程理論基礎 6
1.1 風險控制理論 6
1.1.1 信用卡風險的類型和特點: 6
1.1.2 信用卡風險管理的作用和手段: 6
1.2 數(shù)據(jù)庫理論 7
1.2.1 ODBC連接數(shù)據(jù)庫 7
1.2.2 結構化查詢語言基礎 8
1.2.3 ADO對象的數(shù)據(jù)庫操作 9
第2章 需求分析 12
2.1 項目建議書 12
2.2 數(shù)據(jù)實現(xiàn)流程圖 13
2.3 使用軟件的比較: 13
2.4 計劃任務: 15
第3章 總體的設計方案 17
3.1 概述 17
3.2 調用數(shù)據(jù)庫表的結構 17
3.3 系統(tǒng)結構圖 19
3.4 各功能模塊: 19
第4章 系統(tǒng)實現(xiàn) 23
4.1 系統(tǒng)流程圖: 23
4.2登陸界面的實現(xiàn): 26
4.3主界面的實現(xiàn): 27
4.4風險控制界面的實現(xiàn): 29
4.5透支持卡人的特性分析的實現(xiàn): 29
4.5.1 透支持卡人特征分析主畫面的實現(xiàn) 29
4.5.2 透支持卡人特征分析對比分析圖的實現(xiàn): 31
4.5.3 透支持卡人特征分析輸出報表的實現(xiàn): 32
4.6 透支持卡人年齡層次分析界面的實現(xiàn): 32
4.6.1 透支持卡人年齡層次分析主界面的實現(xiàn): 32
4.6.2 透支金額年齡層次分析對比分析圖的實現(xiàn): 34
4.7 凍結/止付/掛失卡的比例分析的實現(xiàn): 37
4.8 透支總量的對比分析的實現(xiàn): 37
4.9 持卡人、擔保人的信用評估的實現(xiàn): 37
第5章 信用卡數(shù)據(jù)分析系統(tǒng)軟件說明書 40
5.1 軟件概述 40
5.2 功能 40
5.3 軟件安裝 40
5.3.1系統(tǒng)要求 40
5.3.2安裝前的準備 40
5.3.3安裝 40
5.4 運行說明 40
第6章 對使用VB.NET建立本系統(tǒng)的展望 42
第7章 小結 43
參考文獻 44
附 錄 45
附錄A: 外文資料翻譯-原文部分: 45
附錄B: 外文資料翻譯-譯文部分: 50
6 David M.Krobnke.Database Processing.pressed by Princle
7 網(wǎng)冠科技編著.SQL Server2000編程時尚應用百例.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2002
8 龔沛曾、陸慰民編.visual basic程序設計編程(6.0版).北京:高等教育出版社,2000
9 劉瑞新編. visual basic程序設計教程習題及習題解答.機械工業(yè)出版社,2001
全文57頁40000余字 例證充分,翔實
With the growing number of credit cards’ circulation , the growth of trade quantity , the expedition of market and the competition is becoming fiercer and fiercer, not only the marketing developing people of the bank but also the people who managing and making decision are eager to have a credit card management and analysis system. So that they can deal with the all kinds of business safely and effectively.
In this paper, we introduce you a system which simulate the credit card’s data analysis system. And the main function of it is to make use of the data of the customer which accumulate from business system . And analyze through the part of customer relationship, the control of risk, overdraft and so on, at the end send out the char, result and report. And more, introduce how to design and realize the module of “control of risk”. This module contains: the analysis of the total number of overdraft; the analysis of overdraft card holder’s character; the analysis of the relationship between the total number of overdraft and card holder’s age; the analysis of the rate of the frozen ,lost, stop payment; the credit evaluation of the card holder and the cautioner. Through these analysis, some facilities may be improved , the risk may become lower, improve the faithfulness of the customers and keep the long time business relationship with them.
This system is based on the database system, and combined with the design and exploitation by software to realize the analysis function and offer the card holder or businessman the friendly operation, inquiry, analysis form. And more give the user intuitionistic analysis result through data report and chart so that inquire or analysis more convenient.
Key words:
the control of risk, Credit Card, Shop, Customer,credit evaluation
前言 5
第1章 信用卡數(shù)據(jù)分析系統(tǒng)編程理論基礎 6
1.1 風險控制理論 6
1.1.1 信用卡風險的類型和特點: 6
1.1.2 信用卡風險管理的作用和手段: 6
1.2 數(shù)據(jù)庫理論 7
1.2.1 ODBC連接數(shù)據(jù)庫 7
1.2.2 結構化查詢語言基礎 8
1.2.3 ADO對象的數(shù)據(jù)庫操作 9
第2章 需求分析 12
2.1 項目建議書 12
2.2 數(shù)據(jù)實現(xiàn)流程圖 13
2.3 使用軟件的比較: 13
2.4 計劃任務: 15
第3章 總體的設計方案 17
3.1 概述 17
3.2 調用數(shù)據(jù)庫表的結構 17
3.3 系統(tǒng)結構圖 19
3.4 各功能模塊: 19
第4章 系統(tǒng)實現(xiàn) 23
4.1 系統(tǒng)流程圖: 23
4.2登陸界面的實現(xiàn): 26
4.3主界面的實現(xiàn): 27
4.4風險控制界面的實現(xiàn): 29
4.5透支持卡人的特性分析的實現(xiàn): 29
4.5.1 透支持卡人特征分析主畫面的實現(xiàn) 29
4.5.2 透支持卡人特征分析對比分析圖的實現(xiàn): 31
4.5.3 透支持卡人特征分析輸出報表的實現(xiàn): 32
4.6 透支持卡人年齡層次分析界面的實現(xiàn): 32
4.6.1 透支持卡人年齡層次分析主界面的實現(xiàn): 32
4.6.2 透支金額年齡層次分析對比分析圖的實現(xiàn): 34
4.7 凍結/止付/掛失卡的比例分析的實現(xiàn): 37
4.8 透支總量的對比分析的實現(xiàn): 37
4.9 持卡人、擔保人的信用評估的實現(xiàn): 37
第5章 信用卡數(shù)據(jù)分析系統(tǒng)軟件說明書 40
5.1 軟件概述 40
5.2 功能 40
5.3 軟件安裝 40
5.3.1系統(tǒng)要求 40
5.3.2安裝前的準備 40
5.3.3安裝 40
5.4 運行說明 40
第6章 對使用VB.NET建立本系統(tǒng)的展望 42
第7章 小結 43
參考文獻 44
附 錄 45
附錄A: 外文資料翻譯-原文部分: 45
附錄B: 外文資料翻譯-譯文部分: 50
6 David M.Krobnke.Database Processing.pressed by Princle
7 網(wǎng)冠科技編著.SQL Server2000編程時尚應用百例.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2002
8 龔沛曾、陸慰民編.visual basic程序設計編程(6.0版).北京:高等教育出版社,2000
9 劉瑞新編. visual basic程序設計教程習題及習題解答.機械工業(yè)出版社,2001