


分類: 論文>管理學論文



原文檔由會員 wanli1988go 發(fā)布

目 錄
第一章 供應鏈的基本概念及特征
第一節(jié) 什么是物流?什么是供應鏈? --------------------------7
第二節(jié) 供應鏈的特征----------------------------------------8
第三節(jié) 供應鏈的類型----------------------------------------9
第四節(jié) 供應鏈的驅動要素與障礙因素-------------------------10
第二章 供應鏈庫存中的相關概念
第一節(jié) 庫存的基本概念-------------------------------------11
第二節(jié) 同庫存模型有關的基本概念:需求,補充,費用---------12
第三節(jié) 庫存補給策略---------------------------------------15
第三章 常見庫存控制模型
第一節(jié) 經(jīng)濟訂貨批量庫存模型-------------------------------18
第二節(jié) 允許缺貨的經(jīng)濟生產(chǎn)批量模型-------------------------22
第三節(jié) 經(jīng)濟生產(chǎn)批量模型-----------------------------------23
第四節(jié) 允許缺貨的經(jīng)濟訂貨批量模型-------------------------24
第五節(jié) 有削減價格的庫存模型-------------------------------25
第四章 隨機型庫存模型
第一節(jié) 定量訂貨模型---------------------------------------28
第二節(jié) 定期訂貨模型---------------------------------------34
第五章 有削減價格、允許缺貨的兩級供應鏈庫存模型
第一節(jié) 無價格折扣時的庫存模型-----------------------------37
第二節(jié) 含有價格折扣時的存貯模型---------------------------39
第三節(jié) 含價格折扣時的供應鏈整體最優(yōu)的利潤模型-------------41


關鍵詞: 物流 供應鏈 庫存最優(yōu)化 庫存模型

The modern logistics is the power, by which the enterprise promotes the achievements, molds the competitive ability, but along with rapid development of the economy, in order to promote the competitive ability, enterprises put the majority of funds and the energy to their own core domain, and consign some correlations production to some specialized enterprises, that has formed the modern supply chain. Stock is one of the four essential factors of the supply chain, and has the very great proportion in enterprise's production. The goal of this article is to optimize the stock. First, we learn the basic concepts of the supply chain. Then through further analysis of the stock, we can know the supplement conditions of the stock, four kinds of basic stocks' expenses, and four different kinds of stocks' supplying strategy. Then we introduce the basic stock model, the Economic Ordering Quantity stock model and the Economic Production Quantity stock model, also separately discussed the situation of short supply. Of cause in the reality, there have many factors to affect the stock. For example, the price discount, the short supply, and each kind of random condition. Therefore after that we discuss the price discount and the stochastic stock model. Now the stock model has been already focused on the multr-echelon inventory, so finally we discuss one simple kind of the multr-echelon inventory -- model of two-echelon inventory system with price discount and short supply. Strengthens the research of the stock model, enlarges mathematics' application in logistics, can we get the optimum value.

Key word: logistics the supply chain the optimum stock stock model

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