


探究gsm-r系統(tǒng)知識及其應用,探究gsm-r系統(tǒng)知識及其應用全文57頁 約36500字論述翔實 摘 要gsm-r是在gsm蜂窩系統(tǒng)上增加了調度通信功能和適合高速環(huán)境下使用的要素,能滿足國際鐵路聯盟提出的鐵路專用調度通信的要求。本文通過對gsm-r系統(tǒng)知識,如:業(yè)務、切換、尋址、網絡結構、組網方式、無線列調等相關內容的總述,并以簡單明了的案例使讀者一...
分類: 論文>計算機論文


此文檔由會員 棉花糖糖 發(fā)布


全文57頁 約36500字 論述翔實

摘 要


On the basic of GSM cellular system , GSM-R added some elements in transfer communication function and suitable for high-speed environment, which can meet the need of special transfer communication that International Railway Union brought up.
In this paper, some GSM-R system knowledge such as service, switch over , addressing ,network structure, network mode , wireless train transfer and some relevant contents has been described ,and due to the use of some cases , it is simple and clear for readers. Combining the actual issues of Qinghai-Tibet railway for instance: high altitude, low air pressure, severe natural environment, widely distributed frozen soil, scarce inhabitant ,and aiming at the impact of GSM-R digital mobile communication system , we explained the feasibility of GSM-R system for Qinghai-Tibet Railway ,selected model for it earnestly, and estimated its wireless-network construction capacity .The programme of GSM-R system for Qinghai-Tibet Railway is: redundancy cover with same address and double-base station, exchange center with double network structure, multi-layer access network with circuit protection.
This article is divided into five chapters, and adopted the way of going forward layer by layer .From basic knowledge to professional application, it has a clear arrangement and concise structure. In the first chapter, we gave a summary of GSM-R development; In the second and the third chapter, we provided the foundation knowledge of GSM-R system, of which we introduced part achievement of GSM-R system in the second chapter ,and we described systematic structure and function of GSM-R system, involving network structure, network mode, addressing and wireless train transfer in the third chapter; we gave an overall design and planning of GSM-R system for Qinghai-Tibet Railway in the fourth chapter; Towards designing requirements, we made specific design system and solved some practical problems for GSM-R system of Qinghai-Tibet Railway in last chapter.
Key words: Qinghai-Tibet Railway; GSM-R; wireless train transfer

1 緒論 1
1.1 GSM-R的發(fā)展歷史 1
1.1.1 GSM-R的提出 1
1.1.2 GSM-R的發(fā)展 1
1.2 GSM-R的發(fā)展模型 4
1.2.1業(yè)務模型 4
1.2.2 GSM-R網絡概述 6
1.3 鐵路專用移動通信的現狀與發(fā)展 6
2 GSM-R的技術實現 8
2.1 鐵路數字移動通信系統(tǒng) 8
2.1.1面狀覆蓋 8
2.1.2線狀覆蓋 9
2.1.3蜂窩系統(tǒng)的評價指標 9
2.1.4傳輸技術 10
2.2 主要業(yè)務 11
2.2.1 GSM業(yè)務 11
2.2.2高級語音呼叫業(yè)務 11
2.2.3鐵路基本業(yè)務 14
2.2.4鐵路應用 14
2.3 越區(qū)切換 15
2.3.1基本原理 15
2.3.2越區(qū)切換準則 15
2.3.3越區(qū)切換中的優(yōu)先級 16
2.3.4越區(qū)切換的類型 16
2.3.5小區(qū)內越區(qū)切換 17
2.3.6小區(qū)間越區(qū) 18
3 GSM-R的系統(tǒng)結構與功能 20
3.1 GSM-R的頻率范圍 20
3.2 組網方式 20
3.3 網絡結構 21
3.4 GSM-R的功能特點 21
3.4.1功能尋址 21
3.4.2基于位置的尋址 24
3.4.3精確位置尋址 25
3.5 GSM-R系統(tǒng)可靠性分析 25
3.5.1 GSM-R系統(tǒng)功能故障模式及分析 26
3.5.2 GSM-R系統(tǒng)切換與中斷故障樹分析 26
3.6 無線列調 28
3.6.1無線列調系統(tǒng)簡介 28
3.6.2無線列調系統(tǒng)的功能和制式 28
3.6.3無線列調系統(tǒng)存在的問題 29
3.6.4無線列調功能實現 30
3.7 GSM-R無線列調系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)勢 33
4 青藏鐵路GSM-R數字移動通信系統(tǒng)的規(guī)劃 35
4.1 青藏鐵路對GSM-R數字移動通信系統(tǒng)的要求 35
4.2 青藏鐵路GSM-R數字移動通信系統(tǒng)的功能、業(yè)務分類及需求 35
4.3 GSM-R 數字通信系統(tǒng)的主要應用 36
4.3.1車-地雙向信息傳輸通道 36
4.3.2 GSM-R 調度通信 36
4.3.3基于GSM-R的專用移動調度網絡 36
4.4 青藏鐵路GSM-R數字移動通信系統(tǒng)方案的規(guī)劃 37
5 青藏鐵路格爾木至不凍泉試驗段GSM-R系統(tǒng)方案設計 39
5.1 GSM-R系統(tǒng)包含設備及相關系統(tǒng) 39
5.2 GSM-R系統(tǒng)使用頻率 39
5.3 青藏鐵路場強問題及測試 40
5.3.1場強測試要求 40
5.3.2場強測試系統(tǒng) 41
5.3.3 GSM-R試驗段隧道覆蓋系統(tǒng)狀況 43
5.3.4無線覆蓋區(qū)的范圍要求 44
5.3.5弱場區(qū)解決方案 44
5.4 青藏鐵路GSM-R調度通信系統(tǒng) 44
5.4.1無線子系統(tǒng) 44
5.4.2 GSM-R終端設備 45
5.4.3車載衛(wèi)星電話 46
5.4.4電源及防雷 46
結 束 語 48
致 謝 49
參 考 文 獻 50
附 表 51
附 圖 53

