論知識產權的平行進口,頁數 18 字數 15220【內容提要】平行進口是近年來知識產權保護中的一大熱點問題。隨著經濟全球化的逐步完善,平行進口也由以前僅局限于商標領域逐步向著作權,專利權領域滲透。隨之,對于“權利窮竭”理論與“地域性”理論的研究取向,成為可否適用平行進口的關鍵之所在。由于世貿組織的《與貿易有關知識產權協(xié)議...

此文檔由會員 張陽陽 發(fā)布
頁數 18 字數 15220
Abstract:Parallel import is a hot issue in protection of intellectual property recently. With the gradual perfection of economic globalization, parallel import has penetrated from trademark right into copyright and patent right. Then the direction of research on the theory of “ The Exhaustion of Rights” and “ The Regional Differences” will decide whether a case can be applied to the restrictions of parallel import. Because the WTO and the agreement on intellectual property about trade don’t provide clear and unified instructions, different countries take different views and actions on parallel import according to their national conditions and their interests. The purpose of this essay is to research on the tendency of law making in China on parallel import with the theoretical analysis. Since China became a member of WTO, it has lowered the tariff greatly and broken the trade barriers. So the international trade of goods and technology has increased greatly. Because of this, the dispute about parallel import is increasing day by day.
Key word: parallel import exhaustion of rights regional differences
目 錄
內容摘要、關鍵詞 1
一、緒 論 2
二、對平行進口含義的認識 2
(一)平行進口的含義 2
(二)平行進口的特點 4
三、產生平行進口行為的理論依據 4
(一)平行進口行為產生的原因 4
(二)權利窮竭原則與地域性原則兩種理論依據的分析 5
四、世界各國對待“平行進口”的態(tài)度 8
(一)美國相關“平行進口”的法律規(guī)定 8
(二)歐盟對平行進口的實踐操作 9
(三)日本對“平行進口”問題的法律規(guī)定 9
(四)國際公約關于“平行進口”的相關規(guī)定 10
五、中國對平行進口問題的立場與選擇 11
(一)中國對平行進口問題采取的立場 11
(二)結合中國國情對平行進口問題的利弊分析 12
(三)主張允許平行進口與禁止平行進口理論中產生矛盾解決辦法 15
六、結論 15
注釋與參考文獻 16
1鄭成思 《中國社會科學院法學精粹——鄭成思文選》 北京 法律出版社
2蘇艷紅 《知識產權平行進口問題探析》載于《法學魅力》 北京 北京大學出版社
3謝剛 《專利產品的平行進口》北京 中國知識產權報
4吳清旺 胡濱斌 《商標平行進口法律經濟學分析》中國私法網
5程秀強 《與商標權有關的國際貨物貿易中的平行進口問題界定與法律規(guī)制》北大法律信息網
頁數 18 字數 15220
Abstract:Parallel import is a hot issue in protection of intellectual property recently. With the gradual perfection of economic globalization, parallel import has penetrated from trademark right into copyright and patent right. Then the direction of research on the theory of “ The Exhaustion of Rights” and “ The Regional Differences” will decide whether a case can be applied to the restrictions of parallel import. Because the WTO and the agreement on intellectual property about trade don’t provide clear and unified instructions, different countries take different views and actions on parallel import according to their national conditions and their interests. The purpose of this essay is to research on the tendency of law making in China on parallel import with the theoretical analysis. Since China became a member of WTO, it has lowered the tariff greatly and broken the trade barriers. So the international trade of goods and technology has increased greatly. Because of this, the dispute about parallel import is increasing day by day.
Key word: parallel import exhaustion of rights regional differences
目 錄
內容摘要、關鍵詞 1
一、緒 論 2
二、對平行進口含義的認識 2
(一)平行進口的含義 2
(二)平行進口的特點 4
三、產生平行進口行為的理論依據 4
(一)平行進口行為產生的原因 4
(二)權利窮竭原則與地域性原則兩種理論依據的分析 5
四、世界各國對待“平行進口”的態(tài)度 8
(一)美國相關“平行進口”的法律規(guī)定 8
(二)歐盟對平行進口的實踐操作 9
(三)日本對“平行進口”問題的法律規(guī)定 9
(四)國際公約關于“平行進口”的相關規(guī)定 10
五、中國對平行進口問題的立場與選擇 11
(一)中國對平行進口問題采取的立場 11
(二)結合中國國情對平行進口問題的利弊分析 12
(三)主張允許平行進口與禁止平行進口理論中產生矛盾解決辦法 15
六、結論 15
注釋與參考文獻 16
1鄭成思 《中國社會科學院法學精粹——鄭成思文選》 北京 法律出版社
2蘇艷紅 《知識產權平行進口問題探析》載于《法學魅力》 北京 北京大學出版社
3謝剛 《專利產品的平行進口》北京 中國知識產權報
4吳清旺 胡濱斌 《商標平行進口法律經濟學分析》中國私法網
5程秀強 《與商標權有關的國際貨物貿易中的平行進口問題界定與法律規(guī)制》北大法律信息網