鐵或銅摻雜的硅特性 [外文翻譯].zip
鐵或銅摻雜的硅特性 [外文翻譯],材料科學與工程 材料物理與化學,外文文獻翻譯及原文properties of silicon doped with iron or copper鐵或銅摻雜的硅特性iron introduces a donor level into silicon at 0.40 ev from theva lence band obs...

原文檔由會員 牛奶咖啡 發(fā)布
材料科學與工程 材料物理與化學,外文文獻翻譯及原文
Properties of Silicon Doped with Iron or Copper
Iron introduces a donor level into silicon at 0.40 ev from theva lence band observed both in crystals doped in the melt and incrystals into which iron was diffused at 1200'C. This level convertsanomalously to a level 0.55 ev from the conduction band onstanding at room temperature. The conversion is reversible inthe range~70'—200'C; above 200'C, the electrical activity ofiron irreversibly disappears. No evidence for acceptor action ofiron was found. The electrically active solubility of iron, 1.5&&10"cm'at 1200'C, is higher than the radiotracer solubility but theformer was measured in more rapidly quenched samples. Thedistribution coeS.cient is 8)(10 . Preferentialtrapping ofelectrons by iron centers was shown by Hall mobility measure-ments on optically-excited charge carriers. Lifetime studies bythe photoconductive decay method indicated a larger capturecross section for electrons than for holes.Copper introduced a donor level at 0.24 ev and an acceptorlevel at 0.49 ev, both as measured from the valence band. Themaximum electrical activity in quenched samples was 5X10'4cm'out of a total concentration of10"cm'at 1200'C. Infraredphotoconductivity spectra support the position of the deep levelsdue to iron and copper.The apparent lack of electrical activity or inconsistency inproducing a level is discussed for a number of other elements insilicon. Precipitation while cooling from high temperature isbelieved to reduce the soluble component of most of these ele-ments below the observable limit of~10'4cm'.
Properties of Silicon Doped with Iron or Copper
Iron introduces a donor level into silicon at 0.40 ev from theva lence band observed both in crystals doped in the melt and incrystals into which iron was diffused at 1200'C. This level convertsanomalously to a level 0.55 ev from the conduction band onstanding at room temperature. The conversion is reversible inthe range~70'—200'C; above 200'C, the electrical activity ofiron irreversibly disappears. No evidence for acceptor action ofiron was found. The electrically active solubility of iron, 1.5&&10"cm'at 1200'C, is higher than the radiotracer solubility but theformer was measured in more rapidly quenched samples. Thedistribution coeS.cient is 8)(10 . Preferentialtrapping ofelectrons by iron centers was shown by Hall mobility measure-ments on optically-excited charge carriers. Lifetime studies bythe photoconductive decay method indicated a larger capturecross section for electrons than for holes.Copper introduced a donor level at 0.24 ev and an acceptorlevel at 0.49 ev, both as measured from the valence band. Themaximum electrical activity in quenched samples was 5X10'4cm'out of a total concentration of10"cm'at 1200'C. Infraredphotoconductivity spectra support the position of the deep levelsdue to iron and copper.The apparent lack of electrical activity or inconsistency inproducing a level is discussed for a number of other elements insilicon. Precipitation while cooling from high temperature isbelieved to reduce the soluble component of most of these ele-ments below the observable limit of~10'4cm'.
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