房地產企業(yè)稅收籌劃存在的問題及對策,摘 要 我國房地產企業(yè)已經成為我國國民經濟的支柱行業(yè),是我國經濟的增長點,在國民經濟中的地位日益提高。房地產企業(yè)作為理性的經濟人必然要求在我國社會主義市場經濟中實現企業(yè)價值最大化。由于稅收籌劃在我國還處于發(fā)展的初期,因此企業(yè)稅收籌劃仍存在諸多問題。文章對我國房地產企業(yè)稅收籌劃進行了...

此文檔由會員 精品文叢 發(fā)布
摘 要
Real estate agencies of China have become the pillar industry of the national economy, which acts as a significant part of economy as well as the main driving force of economic development, is raising its status day by day. As a rational part of economy,real estate agencies would certainly maximize its value in the socialist market economy in China. Owing to the initial stage of development of the tax planning,there still exist amounts of problems. To clarify some misunderstandings of real estate agencies and other problems,such as lack of certain necessary prior work as well as enough attention while carry it out,this article gives a brief summary of tax planning on real estate agencies. Carry through specific analysis while aimed at specific issues,I got several conclusions as follows. Firstly,we lack of proper tax planning concepts,;secondly,a majority of improper actions are driven by personal interest;what’s more,there exists incoordination among most enterprise internal. Here,I put forward several countermeasures, for example,setting up legal tax planning concepts, get proper preparation work for tax planning, real estate development and business links. In order to save costs as well as improve economic efficiency,we need put forward tax planning for enterprise.
Key words: Real Estate Enterprises; Tax Planning; Planning Method
目 錄
摘 要 I
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景與問題提出 1
1.2 研究目的與意義 1
1.3 文獻綜述 1
1.4 主要內容 1
2房地產企業(yè)稅收籌劃內容的簡介 2
2.1 研究背景與問題提出 2
2.2 房地產企業(yè)稅收籌劃認識上存在誤區(qū) 4
2.3 缺乏事前整體籌劃思路和方案 4
2.4 稅收籌劃工作執(zhí)行不力 4
3 房地產企業(yè)稅收籌劃具體表現及其形成發(fā)展的原因 5
3.1 缺乏正確稅收籌劃觀念 5
3.2 利益驅使導致盲目作為 5
3.3 企業(yè)內部部門不協調 6
4 解決房地產企業(yè)稅收籌劃問題的對策 6
4.1 樹立依法稅收籌劃理念 6
4.2 做好稅收籌劃前的準備工作 6
4.3 加強房地產企業(yè)各業(yè)務環(huán)節(jié)的稅收籌劃 7
5 基本結論 9
參考文獻 11
謝 辭 12
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