方法論的關(guān)系論及其在中西文化中的應(yīng)用,①頁數(shù) 11②字?jǐn)?shù) 11,717③ 摘要 作者認(rèn)為成熟的亞洲社會心理學(xué)的標(biāo)志,不是它獲得的有關(guān)亞洲人的知識本身,而是它用來創(chuàng)造關(guān)于社會行為的一般性知識的特殊方法。方法論的關(guān)系論是亞洲社會心理學(xué)對主流心理學(xué)的一個重要貢獻(xiàn),可以作為分析人類思想和行為的普遍性的概念框架。文章詳細(xì)地闡述了作...

此文檔由會員 李海龍 發(fā)布
①頁數(shù) 11
②字?jǐn)?shù) 11,717
③ 摘要
④關(guān)鍵字 社會心理學(xué) 文化差異 人性
〔2〕張宏輝,1994,“從實體主義到關(guān)系主義:編序”, 《思與言》(臺北),第32卷第2期,第1—45頁。
〔3〕Allport,G.,1968,"The historical background of modernsocial psychology".In G.Lindzey & E.Aronson(Eds.),Handbook ofsocial psychology 2nd ed.,Vol.1.,pp.1-80.Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
〔4〕Bellah,R.N.,1976,Beyond belief:Essays on religion ina post-traditional world.New York:Harper & Row.
〔5〕 Cassirer, E. , 1923, "Substance and function, andEinstein's theory of relativity".Chicago:Open Court.
〔6〕De Vos,G.,& Wagatsuma,H.1967,Japan's invisible race:Caste in culture and personality. Berkeley: University of California Press.
〔7〕Durkheim,E.,1938,The rules of sociological method.Glencoe,Il:The Free Press(Original work published 1895).
〔8〕Fiske,A. P. , 1992, "The four elementary forms ofsociality:Framework for a united theory of social relations".Psychological Review,99,689-723.
〔9〕Gergen,K.J.,Gulerce,A.,Lock,A., & Misra, G. , 1996, "Psychological science in cultural context. " American Psychologist 51,496-503.
〔10〕Ho, D. Y. F. , 1991, "Relational orientation andmethodological relationalism". Bulletin of the Hong KongP
sychological Society,Nos.26-27,81-95.
〔11〕Ho,D.Y. F. , 1993, "Relationa orientation in AsianSocial Psychology". In U.Kim & J. W. Berry (Eds) .Indigenous
psychologies:Research and experience in cultural context, pp.240-259.Newbury Park,CA:Sage.
〔12〕 Ho, D. Y. F. , 1995, "Selfhood and identity inConfucianism,Taoism,Buddhism, and Hinduism: Contrastswith the West".Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour,25(2),115-139.
〔13〕Ho,D.Y.F.,1996,Filial piety and its psychologicalconsequences. In M.H.Bond(Ed.),Handbook of Chinese psychology,
chap.11,pp.155-165.Hong Kong:Oxford University Press.
〔14〕Ho,D.Y.F.,(in press)"Filial piety and filicide inChinese family relationships:The legend of Shun and other
stories". In U.P.Gielen & A.L.Comunian ( Eds. ) , Family andfamily therapy in international perspective,Vol.1.Milan,Italy
〔15〕Ho,D.Y.F.,& Chiu, C.Y. , 1994, "Component ideas ofindividualism, collectivism, and social organization: An
application in the study of Chinese culture". In U. Kim, H. C.Triandis,C. Kagitcibasi,S.C. Choi, & G. Yoon ( Eds. ), I
ndividualism and collectivism: Theoretical andmethodological issues,pp.137-156.Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage.
〔16〕Hsu,F.L.K.,1963,Clan,caste and club. New York: vanNostrand.
〔17〕Hsu,F.L.K.,1971,"Psychological homeostasis and jen:Conceptual tools for advancing psychological anthropology".A
merican Anthropologist.73,23-44.
〔18〕Hsu,F.L.K.,1975,Iemoto:The heart of Japan.New York:Wiley.
〔19〕Kim,U., Triandis,H.C.,Kagitcibasi,C.,Choi,S.-C., &Yoon,G. (Eds.).,1994, Individualism and collectivism: Theory,
method,and applications. Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage.
〔20〕King,A.Y.C.,1991,"Kuan-hsi and network building: Asociological interpretation". Daedalus,20,63-84.
〔21〕Krasner,L.,& Ullmann,L.P.,1973, Behavior influenceand personality:The social matrix of human action. New York
:Holt,Rinhart & Winston.
〔22〕Lebra,T.S. , 1976, Japanese patterns of behavior.Honolulu:The University Press of Hawaii.
〔23〕Lukes,S. Types of individualism.,1973,In P.P. Wiener(Ed.),"Dictionary of the history of ideas:Studies of selected
pivotal ideas",Vol.2,pp.594-604.New York:Scribner's Sons.
〔24〕Mischel,W.,1968,Personality and assessment.New York:Wiley.
〔25〕Nietzsche,F.,1968,The will to power.New York:Vintage.
〔26〕Popper,K.R.,1950,The open society and its enemies.Princeton:Princeton University Press.
〔27〕Rascovsky,A.,1995,"Filicide:The murder, humiliation, mutilation, denigration, and abandonment of children byp
arents"(S.H.Rogers,Trans).Northvale,NJ:Jason Aronson.
〔28〕 Riegel, K. F. , 1979, Foundations of dialecticalpsychology.New York:Academic Press.
〔29〕Sampson,E.E. , 1977, "Psychology and the Americanideal". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 35, 767-
〔30〕Scott,A.C., 1958. An introduction to the Chinesetheater.Singapore.Donald Moore.
〔31〕Wilson,R.W.,1974,The moral state: A study of thepolitical socialization of Chinese and American children. New
York:The Free Press.
〔32〕Yang,K.S.,& Ho,D.Y.F, 1988, "The role of yuan inChinese social life:A conceptual and empirical analysis".In A.
C.Paranjpe,D.Y.F. Ho, & R. W.Rieber ( Eds. ) , Asiancontributions to psychology,pp.263-281.New York:Praeger.
①頁數(shù) 11
②字?jǐn)?shù) 11,717
③ 摘要
④關(guān)鍵字 社會心理學(xué) 文化差異 人性
〔2〕張宏輝,1994,“從實體主義到關(guān)系主義:編序”, 《思與言》(臺北),第32卷第2期,第1—45頁。
〔3〕Allport,G.,1968,"The historical background of modernsocial psychology".In G.Lindzey & E.Aronson(Eds.),Handbook ofsocial psychology 2nd ed.,Vol.1.,pp.1-80.Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
〔4〕Bellah,R.N.,1976,Beyond belief:Essays on religion ina post-traditional world.New York:Harper & Row.
〔5〕 Cassirer, E. , 1923, "Substance and function, andEinstein's theory of relativity".Chicago:Open Court.
〔6〕De Vos,G.,& Wagatsuma,H.1967,Japan's invisible race:Caste in culture and personality. Berkeley: University of California Press.
〔7〕Durkheim,E.,1938,The rules of sociological method.Glencoe,Il:The Free Press(Original work published 1895).
〔8〕Fiske,A. P. , 1992, "The four elementary forms ofsociality:Framework for a united theory of social relations".Psychological Review,99,689-723.
〔9〕Gergen,K.J.,Gulerce,A.,Lock,A., & Misra, G. , 1996, "Psychological science in cultural context. " American Psychologist 51,496-503.
〔10〕Ho, D. Y. F. , 1991, "Relational orientation andmethodological relationalism". Bulletin of the Hong KongP
sychological Society,Nos.26-27,81-95.
〔11〕Ho,D.Y. F. , 1993, "Relationa orientation in AsianSocial Psychology". In U.Kim & J. W. Berry (Eds) .Indigenous
psychologies:Research and experience in cultural context, pp.240-259.Newbury Park,CA:Sage.
〔12〕 Ho, D. Y. F. , 1995, "Selfhood and identity inConfucianism,Taoism,Buddhism, and Hinduism: Contrastswith the West".Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour,25(2),115-139.
〔13〕Ho,D.Y.F.,1996,Filial piety and its psychologicalconsequences. In M.H.Bond(Ed.),Handbook of Chinese psychology,
chap.11,pp.155-165.Hong Kong:Oxford University Press.
〔14〕Ho,D.Y.F.,(in press)"Filial piety and filicide inChinese family relationships:The legend of Shun and other
stories". In U.P.Gielen & A.L.Comunian ( Eds. ) , Family andfamily therapy in international perspective,Vol.1.Milan,Italy
〔15〕Ho,D.Y.F.,& Chiu, C.Y. , 1994, "Component ideas ofindividualism, collectivism, and social organization: An
application in the study of Chinese culture". In U. Kim, H. C.Triandis,C. Kagitcibasi,S.C. Choi, & G. Yoon ( Eds. ), I
ndividualism and collectivism: Theoretical andmethodological issues,pp.137-156.Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage.
〔16〕Hsu,F.L.K.,1963,Clan,caste and club. New York: vanNostrand.
〔17〕Hsu,F.L.K.,1971,"Psychological homeostasis and jen:Conceptual tools for advancing psychological anthropology".A
merican Anthropologist.73,23-44.
〔18〕Hsu,F.L.K.,1975,Iemoto:The heart of Japan.New York:Wiley.
〔19〕Kim,U., Triandis,H.C.,Kagitcibasi,C.,Choi,S.-C., &Yoon,G. (Eds.).,1994, Individualism and collectivism: Theory,
method,and applications. Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage.
〔20〕King,A.Y.C.,1991,"Kuan-hsi and network building: Asociological interpretation". Daedalus,20,63-84.
〔21〕Krasner,L.,& Ullmann,L.P.,1973, Behavior influenceand personality:The social matrix of human action. New York
:Holt,Rinhart & Winston.
〔22〕Lebra,T.S. , 1976, Japanese patterns of behavior.Honolulu:The University Press of Hawaii.
〔23〕Lukes,S. Types of individualism.,1973,In P.P. Wiener(Ed.),"Dictionary of the history of ideas:Studies of selected
pivotal ideas",Vol.2,pp.594-604.New York:Scribner's Sons.
〔24〕Mischel,W.,1968,Personality and assessment.New York:Wiley.
〔25〕Nietzsche,F.,1968,The will to power.New York:Vintage.
〔26〕Popper,K.R.,1950,The open society and its enemies.Princeton:Princeton University Press.
〔27〕Rascovsky,A.,1995,"Filicide:The murder, humiliation, mutilation, denigration, and abandonment of children byp
arents"(S.H.Rogers,Trans).Northvale,NJ:Jason Aronson.
〔28〕 Riegel, K. F. , 1979, Foundations of dialecticalpsychology.New York:Academic Press.
〔29〕Sampson,E.E. , 1977, "Psychology and the Americanideal". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 35, 767-
〔30〕Scott,A.C., 1958. An introduction to the Chinesetheater.Singapore.Donald Moore.
〔31〕Wilson,R.W.,1974,The moral state: A study of thepolitical socialization of Chinese and American children. New
York:The Free Press.
〔32〕Yang,K.S.,& Ho,D.Y.F, 1988, "The role of yuan inChinese social life:A conceptual and empirical analysis".In A.
C.Paranjpe,D.Y.F. Ho, & R. W.Rieber ( Eds. ) , Asiancontributions to psychology,pp.263-281.New York:Praeger.