


分類: 論文>電氣自動化/電力論文


此文檔由會員 淘寶大夢 發(fā)布



摘 要:能源緊缺和環(huán)境污染是當前社會面臨的嚴峻問題,電動車因其節(jié)能環(huán)保的突出優(yōu)勢成為了解決這一問題的重要途徑,越來越受到市場的青睞。永磁無刷直流電機憑借其結構簡單、運行可靠、啟動轉矩大、調速性好等優(yōu)點,被越來越多地應用在電動車領域。本文以電動車用永磁無刷直流電機的控制系統(tǒng)為研究對象,針對目前電動車的特點和性能要求,以及電動車永磁無刷直流電機控制系統(tǒng)存在的問題,提出了一種電動車永磁無刷直流電機控制系統(tǒng)方案。


The new electric vehicle control technology research

Abstract Energy shortage and environmental pollution is a serious problem in the current social, electric vehicle with the advantages of energy conservation and environmentalprotection outstanding has become the important way to solve this problem, more and more get the favor of the market. Permanent magnet brushless
dc motor with its simple structure, reliable operation,good start torque and speed, etc, has been used in electric vehicles increasingly. Based on the electric vehicle permanent magnet brushless dc motor control system as the research object, in view of the present characteristics and performance requirements for electric vehicle, as well as electric vehicle permanent magnet brushless dc motor control system existence question, a kind of electric vehicle permanent magnet brushless dc motor control system solutions is given.
First, the paper introduced the electric vehicle permanent magnet brushless dc motor structure and working principle, and the rotor position signal detection technology and the selection of sensor, then its mathematical model was deduced by
motor basic theory formula, At last, combined with software of Matlab/Simulink,
established the electric vehicle simulation model of permanent magnet brushless dc
motor control system and simulation analysis, to provides reference and basis for better realize the control system hardware design and control strategy development.
Finally, a design of the brushless DC motor dual closed-loop cascade control system is given, Speed and current dual-loop system of speed control is desingned. Actual operation proves that this system improved the dynamic and static performance ,stability and robustness of brushless DC motor speed control system.
Key words:permanent magnet brushless dcmotor(PMBLDCM),
motor controller, control strategy, electric vehicle

目 錄

第一章 緒論 1
1.1課題背景及選題意義 1
1.2電動車驅動控制系統(tǒng)性能要求及存在問題分析 3
1.3電動車永磁無刷直流電機控制技術的發(fā)展和研究現狀 4
1.4本文主要工作 7
第二章 電動車永磁無刷直流電機運行原理 8
2.1永磁無刷直流電機基本結構及工作原理 8
2.1.1基本結構 9
2.1.2工作原理 12
2.2轉子位置信號檢測技術及位置傳感器選擇 14
2.2.1永磁無刷直流電機轉子位置信號檢測技術 14
2.2.2轉子位置傳感器選擇 16
2.3永磁無刷直流電機數學模型 18
2.4永磁無刷直流電機運行特性 21
第三章 永磁無刷直流電機控制系統(tǒng)建模與仿真 24
3.1Matlab/Simulink 軟件介紹 24
3.2建模方法分析及模型建立 24
3.3 仿真結果 31
第四章 無刷直流電機雙閉環(huán)調速系統(tǒng) 34
4.1 無刷直流電機采用雙閉環(huán)控制的必要性 34
4.2 無刷直流電機雙閉環(huán)串極調速方案 35
4.3 無刷直流電機的雙閉環(huán)串極調速系統(tǒng)設計 36
4.3.1電流環(huán)調節(jié)器設計 36
4.3.2速度換調節(jié)器設計 37
4.3.3 采樣頻率的選取 37
4.3.4 PID參數整定 39
4.4 無刷直流電機雙閉環(huán)調速系統(tǒng)的工作特性 40
4.4.1 靜態(tài)特性 40
4.4.2 動態(tài)特性 41
第五章 電動車永磁無刷直流電機控制系統(tǒng)硬件設計 45
5.1 控制系統(tǒng)硬件電路總體方案 45
5.2 單片機STM8S903K3簡介 45
5.3 系統(tǒng)電源設計 47
5.4 功率開關管驅動電路設計 48
5.4.1 上橋臂驅動電路 48
5.4.2下橋臂驅動電路 49
5.5 轉子位置檢測電路設計 50
5.6 電流采樣電路和過流保護電路的設計 51
5.6.1 電流采樣電路分析 51
5.6.2 過流保護電路分析 52
第六章 總結與展望 53
致謝 54
參考文獻 55