


950熱軋帶鋼生產線飛剪機設備能力校核及部件設計,(本科畢業(yè)論文設計)摘 要目前在生產實際中使用的飛剪機種類繁多,但由于它們各自具有自身的特點,從而也適用于各種不同的工況場合。在連續(xù)式軋制生產作業(yè)線上,用來剪切軋件頭尾或切分卷時,就大量使用了轉鼓式飛剪。本課題中所研究的轉鼓式飛剪正是用在川威熱連軋機上進行軋件頭尾剪切和分...
分類: 論文>機械工業(yè)論文


此文檔由會員 cglina 發(fā)布


摘    要





In actual production use of a wide range of flying shear, but they each have their own characteristics, thus applicable to a variety of conditions occasions. In continuous rolling production line, to shear workpiece incurable or cut volume, the large-scale use of a rotating drum flying shear. The issue of the study to drum flying shear Chuanwei is used in hot strip mill on the workpiece and incurable shear-shear volume of Auxiliary equipment, it will be the task of running the mill by the technological requirements of the transverse shear size, Shear used to the exercise of the rolling shear began in the late 19th Century, in practice on the basis of constant improvement, so that the flying shear performance greatly improved.
Based on the rotating drum flying shear strength parameters, Check the major parts of the process and the use of the three issues to the attention of a brief exposition for the future in production to improve the flying shear properties provide a relatively complete theory and method. With scissors electrical and other technical development, though its structure from the original complex machinery has become relatively simple, But parameters of the calculation is not going to change, the paper in a large number of measurement, analysis and calculation on the basis of right flying shear terms of some simple practical method of calculation. This is the new scissors design, or the existing flying shear analysis, have practical significance.

Key words: Rotating drum flying shear, Force Parameters, Check parts



目   錄

中文摘要 Ⅰ
緒論 1
1課題研究背景及意義 3
   1.1課題來源 3
   1.2課題研究的意義 4
2轉鼓式飛剪機力能參數(shù)的研究 5
2.1飛剪機通用力能參數(shù)的研究 5
    2.1.1飛剪的動力學特性 5
    2.1.2飛剪的剪切沖擊力 5
   2.1.3飛剪的力能參數(shù)的計算 6
   2.2轉鼓式飛剪機力能參數(shù)的研究 7
   2.2.1轉鼓式飛剪機的技術參數(shù) 7
     2.2.2轉鼓式飛剪機力能參數(shù)計算 7
   2.3本章小結 11
 3轉鼓式飛剪機主要零部件的研究與校核 12
 3.1轉鼓式飛剪機主聯(lián)軸器的轉矩研究與校核 12
 3.2轉鼓式飛剪機電動機研究與校核 12
 3.2.1轉鼓式飛剪電動機的等效轉動慣量的計算 12
   3.2.2電動機最小加速角、最小減速角的研究與計算 14
   3.2.3電動機速度降的研究與計算 15
 3.3轉鼓式飛剪機齒輪箱研究與校核 19
   3.3.1第一級齒輪減速器中的小齒輪相關系數(shù) 19
   3.3.2齒輪受力分析 20
   3.3.3齒面接觸疲勞強度的校核 21
   3.3.4齒根彎曲疲勞強度校核 23
 3.4本章小結 24
 4飛剪區(qū)主要裝置的使用說明 25
4.1轉鼓式飛剪機主傳動裝置使用說明 25
4.1.1轉鼓式飛剪機主傳動裝置的作用、規(guī)格及性能 25
  4.1.2轉鼓式飛剪機的主傳動裝置的結構特征及潤滑相關 25
4.2轉鼓式飛剪前輥道的說明 26
  4.2.1飛剪前輥道用途 26
  4.2.2飛剪前輥道的工作原理 26
4.3飛剪前側導板的說明 26
  4.3.1飛剪前側導板的用途 26
  4.3.2飛剪前側導板結構特征和工作原理 27
4.4轉鼓式飛剪機的說明 27
  4.4.1轉鼓式飛剪機的用途 27
  4.4.2轉鼓式飛剪機的結構特征和工作原理 27
  4.4.3轉鼓式飛剪機剪刃及剪刃間隙的說明 28
  4.4.4轉鼓式飛剪機的控制及連鎖要求 29
4.4.5轉鼓式飛剪機的維護及安全技術 29
4.5本章小結 30
5結論 31
參考文獻 32